Car Insurance all risks / third party insurance: which one to pick?

Determine the opportunity side of your car
Ensure the vehicle in all risk only makes sense if your car has a certain value. To do this you first to determine the value of your car by checking its coast on the occasion (see our free argus). It is very important to know the value of the vehicle as this will affect the choice of warranties.
Choose good guarantees
The choice of the guarantees is quite complex to ensure his vehicle. Below the main guarantees:
'The civil liability or the third party cover' is mandatory and ensures compensation for all the damage and injury caused to third parties but it does not do any damage to the car of the insured.
"The guarantee of bodily injury sustained by the driver (responsible for the accident or not)
"The guarantee of damage (theft, fire, glass breakage, collision etc.)
«Warranty damage all risks» allows you to be compensated for the damage caused to the third party, passengers and vehicles, and, that the insured is responsible for or victim of the disaster.
Keep coverage all risks?
If the side of your car is low (check with our free argus, your all-risk insurance premium will remain high. It is not worth not necessarily. At a certain moment in the life of your car, it will cost you more expensive auto insurance all risks to pay disaster responsible for minor repairs of course. If your car is not in very good condition, your insurer take this into account in the calculation of your benefit responsible for disaster. Insure a car in all risk that is not in good condition is rarely profitable for the insured. Some insurance companies require even to insure a car in all risk a "Visual inspection" in one of their garage approved, before agreeing to ensure in all risks. This allows the insurer to get an idea of the general condition of the vehicle. Each deterioration is listed and taken into account in the calculation of your benefit disaster where you are responsible for. Yet once, do not hesitate to get a car insurance comparison by requesting insurance quotes all risks.
Guarantee flight / fire: a good solution?
This formula seems perfectly adapted to old cars. Indeed, it allows to slightly lower the amount of the premium and keep essential guarantees such as theft or fire. The only case where you are not covered, it is responsible for disaster. But for sure you will make significant savings on your auto insurance premium.
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